If you are looking to sell some things to make some extra cash for the holidays, you might be considering using online platforms like OfferUp, Facebook Marketplace, or Craigslist. Just be aware that thieves are also using those platforms in hopes of making a quick and easy buck, as well.
One victim in west Seattle found out the hard way that they should have chosen a more public place to interact with a potential buyer for a laptop. The victim was shot in the leg and robbed by a potential buyer, and now police are looking for the suspected shooter. Part of the transaction was caught on video by a homeowner's surveillance camera. The incident happened in an alleyway along 18th Avenue Southwest in Seattle.
Video Footage of Assault
The homeowner first noticed the suspect pacing around outside his house via his surveillance camera. “The longer I looked at him, I didn't have a good feeling,” said the homeowner. Then he watched the suspect pull out a gun and heard a shot. Then he heard another shot and he heard someone screaming. From a window, he saw the victim run across the street to a construction site. The homeowner called 911. So far the police have not identified or located the suspect.
Police Tips
Law enforcement officials say that if you choose to use online platforms to buy or sell used goods, the first and foremost thing you should be aware of is that the person you agree to meet is a complete stranger and you need to be wary. You should always agree to meet in a busy, public place or even in a police station or fire department parking lot. Take someone with you to meet your potential buyer or seller, and schedule these interactions to happen in the daytime.
If or When a Suspect is Caught
The suspect in this incident will be facing serious charges if and when he is located and arrested by the police. RCW 9A.56.200 defines robbery in the first degree as
(1) A person is guilty of robbery in the first degree if:
(a) In the commission of a robbery or of immediate flight therefrom, he or she:
(i) Is armed with a deadly weapon; or
(ii) Displays what appears to be a firearm or other deadly weapon; or
(iii) Inflicts bodily injury;
First-degree robbery is a felony.
Defense Attorney Steve Karimi
If you have been accused of misleading or stealing from someone you met online through a used-goods online platform, you need a strong defense. Contact the Law Offices of Steve Karimi right away to explain what happened. Their defense attorneys can help you build a defense and clear your name. Call 206-621-8777 today or fill out an online contact form to get started.
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